Tyler King
Memphis, TN
Tyler King was born in Memphis, Tennessee. He graduated from Power Center Academy High School with excellence achieving a 4.48 GPA. He is now advancing his education at Tuskegee University majoring in aerospace engineering. It is his hope to use a combination of his engineering degree and his skills developed with the Red Tails to strengthen his own knowledge and make him more marketable when the time comes to seek a job.
Tyler has been interested in flying since he came to Tuskegee University. Building and designing aircraft has always fascinated him, but he never thought about flying them. That all changed when he found out about the Red Tails. This flight program has allowed him to broaden his horizon and help him to realize there is so much more he can do in the aerospace field. He is now on track to possibly becoming an airline pilot by the age of twenty four.
His pilot training started his first semester of his sophomore year in 2020. He has been working very hard with the flight instructors here at the program and has been making many strides towards his dreams of flying. He is a dedicated student who is currently working on his private pilot's license